Filed under: Humor, Videos, Blogstorm, News / Politics, The One
Putting "TSA" and "viral" in the same headline is probably a recipe for landing on some homeland security watchlist, but you guys ... these gross, invasive new airport security screening procedures are all anybody's talking about online right now. The TSA has been spoofed with songs, comedy videos and even some hilarious new catchphrases to help us laugh to keep from crying as our junk gets groped by airport thugs.Just in time for tomorrow's Opt Out Day -- where travelers are organizing to opt out of being full-body scanned -- here's our roundup of the many ways the internet is fighting TSA screening policies with the best weapon we've got: the lulz.
"Don't Touch My Junk (The TSA Hustle)"
After one bold traveler resisted a patdown by saying "If you touch my junk, I'll have you arrested," some internet heroes took the phrase and spun it into a whole rap. (Warning: contains a few swears.)
"I Don't Like the TSA"
Friend of Urlesque Jonathan "Song-A-Day" Mann, who recently guested on the Urly Show, has devoted one of his daily ditties to the TSA's scanners and patdowns. It's a surprisingly throrough (and catchy!) exploration of the various ridiculous airport security measures.
Saturday Night Live - "Message From the TSA"
This SNL sketch didn't originate on the web, but it's blowing up online right now. It parodies one of those late-night sex chat lines, making the TSA patdowns sound lurid and kind of perverse. "The TSA: it's our business to touch yours."
Urban Dictionary - "Gate Rape"
This one's not a video, it's just a new slang term that the internet is pushing to describe a TSA patdown. And where better to propagate new slang than the Urban Dictionary? "Gate Rape" was Urban Dictionary's word of the day for November 19th, so I guess it's starting to catch on.
- previously:// 'My TSA Horror Story' Collects Headlines That Make You Cringe
- previously:// Operation Grabass - Reddit and Flight Attendants vs. The TSA
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