Tuesday, November 16, 2010

BlackBerry PlayBook compared to iPad in video

You might say that the conclusion of this video is biased since it was produced by the folks over at Research In Motion (RIM), but for what it is worth, just check out what the BlackBerry PlayBook is capable of when it is pitted against the iPad. The video will demonstrate how the web browsing experience is held together on the yet-unreleased PlayBook, with comparison tests being run on a PlayBook and iPad (powered by iOS 3.2.2), demonstrating three factors - the speed of the PlayBook Browser, its ability to handle rich Adobe Flash content, and the performance of open web standards like HTML 5 on the PlayBook. There are two sides to a story, so we'll let you take sides on this one in the comments. Of course, questions ought to be raised if the PlayBook fared worse than the iPad in terms of web browsing considering the former will have a dual core 1GHz processor running proceedings from within compared to the Apple iPad’s single core.

Permalink: BlackBerry PlayBook compared to iPad in video from Ubergizmo | Hot: Macbook Air Review, Epic 4G Review

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